iPRES is a series of conferences on digital preservation. Since 2004, iPRES conferences have been held on four continents
An invitation of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and eIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) in 2003 provided the initial impetus for the iPRES series. Eight European experts in digital preservation contributed to the first iPRES conference in Beijing, July 2004. After the completion of a successful conference in Beijing, the German Research Council (DFG) called for a follow-up event. The second iPRES conference, held in Göttingen in October 2005, was organised together with the German digital preservation network, nestor and with funding by the DFG and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). After conferences in Asia and Europe, iPRES continued in 2006 at Cornell, in North America.
Broad Scope
The iPRES conference series embraces a variety of topics in digital preservation – from strategy to implementation, and from international and regional initiatives to small organisations. Within this broad topic area, each conference defines a slightly different focus.
Inclusive dialogue
A key element of iPRES conferences is their inclusiveness. Experts from all parts of the world contribute to the organisation, and the programme aims to embrace new perspectives.
Cooperative goals
Alongside a carefully designed official programme, participants have many opportunities for discussion with international colleagues. The iPRES series aims to foster international interaction and collaboration.
Steering Group
iPRES has a Steering Group consists of past and future conference hosts, as well as at-large elected members as of 2024.