includes 3 repositories
iprescontent - with the contents of the website: The root / directory contains blog posts, the /pages directory contains web pages, and the /images directory can store images and other media. Changes to the content are applied directly to the various editions of the website. There are two branches, dev and main , which can be used independently of each other. The dev branch is only for development, e.g. to test new plugins or themes. The output is done via In the main branch (standard branch) the current contents are maintained, the output is done via If you want to publish a state of the main branch, you simply assign a tag, (simple incrementing: v0.1, v0.2,...). With the assignment of the tag the current state of the main branch is published over, afterwards one can continue to work on the main branch, until the next "publication".
iprespelican - with the configuration, plugins and themes of the website and the corresponding branches dev and main. Basic changes and extensions to the website can be made here. In everyday life no changes are necessary here. iprescontent automatically takes over the respective state of the configuration (main or dev) to build the websites.
iprestool iprestool - with the files to configure and start the necessary services. The services in detail: gitea as git service, drone as CI/CD service for the automatic delivery of the sites and the 3 web servers for the websites dev, stage and live.